Sunday, 13 September 2015

Stress Management And Relaxation Techniques Course Coming to Norwich

Over the course of the last year or so I have been focusing on writing and preparing a wellbeing course based on mindfulness concepts. Mindfulness is recognised by NICE as an affective treatment for depression and anxiety and it is widely used along with CBT by the NHS Wellbeing Service who also offer mindfulness-based wellbeing classes. However, the group sizes tend to be large and the focus tends to be on problems rather than exploring solutions, limited to meditation rather than on self-exploration and self-development. The goals I set myself in creating the course, therefore, were to teach mindfulness in a way that would connect with real people in the real world, that would encourage self-development, and to teach only to small groups where each individual would receive an adequate level of attention.

Developing the programme needed extensive research and I also took the time to take in a wellbeing trainer training course with the SMART Foundation ( to develop the skills needed to teach the course. In October, I present a six-week wellbeing course with the title Stress Management And Relaxation Techniques (SMART).

I couldn't help but to be struck by this use of the SMART acronym which I am more familiar with as a self-improvement tool from the business sector and felt less than comfortable about using it in the title of a wellbeing course. But, the more I thought about what I had set out to create in the course, the more SMART made sense as a way to help professionals connect with mindfulness.


The Specific goal aims to create a better sense of wellbeing in the attendees and teach them ways to reduce and cope with Stress, to Manage the Stress. Along with stress and anxiety individuals will often experience depression which reduces effectiveness at work and undermines relationships. Mindfulness teaches us how to actively regulate our physical hormonal states and so manage our emotions.


The Measurable goal enables the attendees to notice over time reduced symptoms of Stress. Perhaps they might sleep better, find less need for alcohol, and enjoy more harmonious relationships with friends, colleagues and loved ones. They might even experience clearer thinking which will become obvious as life goals feel easier to achieve.


The Achievable goal is addressed in that the course focuses on an honest self exploration of who we wish to believe we are versus what the world perceives us to be. This can be very challenging but by taking a little time out, by exploring and developing our personal “brand” we bring these two viewpoints closer together.


The goal of being Relevant is met by relating the programme to the real-world experience of each individual. The title of Jon Kabat-Zin's book sums this up perfectly. “Wherever We Go, There We Are”. Withdrawing from relationships or work does not make anxiety and stress go away as it will always follow us. So, the course does not advocate withdrawing from the world or relationships but encourages finding ways to move towards them by escaping the habitual negative messages we send to ourselves or receive from others. By learning to look upon yourself and others with compassion you learn to take responsibility for your own emotions and let those that need to take responsibility for theirs.


The goal of being Time-bound is met by staging the course over 6 weeks during which attendees will take away exercises in meditation and visualisation, develop the ability to be in the present moment, and will develop a personal "brand" which will remain with them always.

About the Course

The course commences at 6:30 on Friday 23rd October for 6 weeks at the Norwich Wellbeing Centre. Yes, on Friday! But this enables attendees to find some time over the weekend to consolidate their learning. It helps to have an open mind when attending the course but I choose not to ignore those who are more sceptical? What I wanted to create was something that addressed real-world problems for those that work hard, have responsibilities that cannot be ignored, or those who want to find ways to cope with the pressures of life.

For more information about the Stress Management And Relaxation Techniques course, please visits The course is limited to a maximum of 12 people and there is a substantial discount for early booking.